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Tokyo Jazz Site ~ DJ Otsuka – Mini Interview

Tokyo Jazz Site ~ DJ Otsuka – Mini Interview

A guide to Jazz bars, clubs, cafes & shops in the Tokyo & Yokohama metropolitan areas, also home of the OK Jazz podcast, plus info on Soul, World Music and other happenings around town.


Brooklyn 出身の James Catchpole が運営するサイトで彼は

昨年末リリースの JAPAN GUIDE = 今ジャズ
をまとめた PIECE THE NEXT について

JAPAN / JAZZ / FEMALE / について 普段はきかれない奥深い質問のいくつか。
1. Who are you and where are you from? How did you first get into jazz and then start DJing?

2. There are of course many female DJs but maybe not so many playing what you play. Why not?

3. Why do you think jazz is such a part of the music scene in Japan? I’ve profiled so many 喫茶店 and jazz bars on my website, many foreign visitors cannot believe how many there are. What is it about Jazz that has such an appeal here?

4. What are your upcoming projects?

5. Top 3 favorite albums!



スクリーンショット 2015-03-24 2.26.54



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